Andrea Powell

“From the dark and muddy mess that was my life burst forth some of the most iridescent colors!”
— Andrea Powell








Time to UNPACK…

I thought I had forgotten about it, but the more I think about it, I realize I knew exactly where I had left it the entire time. I had packed it away- crammed it into the luggage. I stowed it away so that I could make room for the stuff that I thought mattered more; my family, my education, my career, my marriage, etc. The only problem with that is EVERYTHING now took precedence over ME. In pursuit of life’s goals, I’d lost myself. I’d effectively diminished my vigor, my vibrancy, and MY COLOR!

There I was, newly divorced, freshly unemployed, packing up each article I owned to move over 1,000 miles away from everything and everyone I knew to be familiar, and I found it. From the dark and muddy mess that was my life burst forth some of the most iridescent colors! I felt my strength returning. A renewed sense of hope came over me. 

Even though fear continued to linger, courage stirred within me. I found myself and made up my mind to never let me go!

From now on, I’m determined to move forward spreading all the light and sharing all the encouragement that I can carry- and I’m dead set on bringing some folks with me!

With that being said, I’d like for you to consider if it is time for you to unpack? When was the last time you went to the basement, crawlspace, or attic and pulled out some old and forgotten things? Give it a look-see. You may just come back with more than what you bargained for.

About Andrea…

Andrea Powell has been a praise and worship leader for nearly 20 years and serves faithfully in local churches. She is an avid blogger/podcaster for her website, a radio host, and most recently an author of her latest book entitled Daily Devotionals From the Heart of an Encourager. 

Andrea also serves on the Executive Board of Directors for Goldfinch CafĂ©- a non-profit entity committed to establishing Aurora’s first “pay what you can” restaurant and Marketing & Media Chairman for Keeta’s Place- a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering girls in underserved communities. 

When she isn’t glued to a computer screen, she spends time experimenting in the kitchen, for which her family is eternally grateful, cuddling with her 65-pound “lap dog”, and volunteering at various ministries. 

An encourager by nature, Andrea has found great joy ministering to the underserved women and children of the community. Andrea has a genuine desire for women to receive the love of Christ and fully understand the authority in which they walk because of His love.

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